Sunday, April 12, 2009

<韵艺.酝忆> 钟中华乐团演奏会

Hey guys!! i'm so so sorry for the very late updates... i'm Busy+Lazy recently,haha,paiseh yar... Yesterday was "CLHS chinese orchectra's concert" Day and me as a 华乐member participated in the performance =P haha. Special thanks to my brothers- Khye Shen,Nerry,Phern Kern,Shaun for showing up... then to the girls- Zhao Min,Chaw Yeh who decided going at the very last minute... haha! Thanks for the support,i really appreciate it!!

Orchestra Rehearsal at Dewn Sri Pinang before the concert :) we started our practice from 9am-7.25pm then the concert starts on 8pm. The practice was very tiring,i get exhausted before the performance started. haha.

sorry yar,i didn't take any photos on the concert. Cause i'm at the back stage all the time...

Mellow de Concert's schedule:

鼓乐重奏 : 《牛斗虎》

初中及新生合奏 : 《男儿当自强》 《 小城故事》

中阮独奏 : 《火把之夜》 (田航澍)

二胡齐奏 : 《葡萄熟了》

大合奏 : 《长城随想曲》 《丰年祭》

弹拨乐合奏 : 《南亚风情》 《小夜曲》

大合奏 : 《在那遥远的地方》 《牛郎织女》 《东海渔歌》

after the concert,we cleared up our instruments into the lorry then went back to clhs. Again,we moved our instruments back to the store room and by then its already midnight!! yawn...

i'm so not satisfied with our team's performance in the concert. After all the practice and everything,we didn't showed the crowd our best. I need to apologise too for the mistakes i made in 东海渔歌... Sorry,team!!

yo,check this video!

Hang Shu's daruan solo. Took this video in the store room last week :) Damn cool fingerings...