Well,hi i'm back =D Just came back from my family vacation to Hong Kong,and i'm posting photos in my blog!! Woo... =D
Our trip report:
14th Dec>> Arrive at Hong Kong on 1.00pm sharp,after checking-in to the CityView Hotel in "Yao Ma Tei"(油麻地),we took the Hong Kong MRT to "Wong Tai Sin"(黄大仙) a very famous temple. Then to Stars Avenue in "Tsim Sha Chui"(尖沙咀),gosh we saw Bruce Lee there =D after strolling around,we then went to the cruise harbour for a ride along the sea located between Hong Kong(mainland) and Hong Kong(island). After that we went back to "Yao Ma Tei" and shop at "Lui Yan Gai"(女人街) Its almost the same as kl's Chee Cheong Gai where they sell pirated/fake items. Bought many T-shirts there :) Swt,i can't find "Bo Hai Gai"(波鞋街) which nerry claims that they sell cheap basketball shoes there...
15th Dec>> Woke up at 6am. Then took the MRT again to "Tung Zhung"(大涌). Saw a lot of Hong Kong students boarding the MRT to their schools,gosh...their uniforms are so cute!! Unlike the unlucky schoolboys/girls from M'sia,we wore rags =( urgh! After visiting the Lantau Buddha,we went to Disneyland!! But,i'm damn dissapointed after the day... It's too small! And it's almost nothing compared to Tokyo Disneyland =( haiz...
16thDec>> Woke up on 6am again. Went to Mc'Donalds for breakfast,then go for a one day-tour around Kowloon with a tour guide(Cathay Pacific) which is free!! went to Jewels,Rubies and Crystals Gallery which i'm not interested,then go for a boat ride along the aberdeen sea(香港仔). Saw the cruises where TVB Entertainment shot their 珠光宝气 Drama. Wooo... We cancelled Ocean Park due to lack of time =( too bad... then went to Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum!! Oh yeah,this is the most interesting place i found in Hong Kong.at last. We snap photos with idols,singers,politicians,athletes and lots more =) Guess what,i saw Angelina Jolie with Brad Pitt there!! haha... After that we go shopping.again =) mum bought a LV handbag!! oosh...
17th Dec>> Woke up a bit late today. Then board a ferry to Macau. We form a half day-tour with a tour guide there. Then we visit a lot of places which i can't recall their names except... Venetian Casino!! OMG,its the biggest casino in Macau,and kids actually get the chance to go inside =D wosh,it's actually VENICE inside! The ceiling is covered with blue skies(serious!) and they even built italian buildings,bridges even canals inside =O After strolling,we took the MRT back and shop again =)
18thDec>> Last Day! Noooo... Woke up late,then went to HoChoi Restaurant for Dim Sum. Yuck,i still think penang's Dim Sum is the best =D Then took a free shuttle back to the airport. Leaves around 4pm back to penang =)
Bye Hong Kong! I'll revisit when i'm adult =P i promise...
Compliments to Hong Kong citizen...
They're Rude!!

Our journey starts here...
Bruce Lee with my bro in Avenue of Stars! =D
Jet Li's handprints!
In the cruise =)
Lantau Buddha Statue =)

Hong Kong Disneyland =)

Aberdeen =) photos on a boat!
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in Madam Tussauds Wax Museum =D
Ayumi Hamasaki!! yeah,she's my girlfriend xD
Between Marilyn Monroe and me... hmm,who's sexier? hahaha
Yao Ming =) chinese NBA star which is... tall xD
Me with Liu Xiang =O
Posing with Ah Sa and Ah Kiew. Twins!! woo...
Aha,my parents =) queuing outside Louis Vuitton(LV) outlet

渔人码头. Macau =)
Golden Lotus. Macau's national flower=)

Grand Lisboa Casino in Macau =)

St. Paul Church. It's almost the same as our Kota A'Famosa (there's only the main gate left) Gosh,my brother is actually bigger than me...

"Ma Zhou"(妈祖) Temple

Saw someone(white) Bungee Jumping on Macau Tower!

Venetian Casino in Macau =)