Just now around 6.45pm when i'm on the way home after playing basketball in the SriNibong basketball court,me,nerry n sokhai saw an incident...
Snatch thief! Pity we don't have the chance to chase and catch him... According to the joggers(aunties) the snatcher was a malay wearing a T'shirt with stripes on it. After snatching he tried to escape with an ex5 motorbike but was stopped by a huge malay man(the one wearing blue shirt in the pic) I don't really saw the whole incident,we heard people shouting and yelling but when we reached there,its too late,the snatcher escaped on foot... The funny part is,that guy left his bike there! That's an important evidence my dear officers,please make sure you all did your jobs...
I'm so so
ANGRY! God,why dont you give me a chance? If...i'm on the spot,there is no way the snatcher could escape,no way at all...
SUPERMAN,looks like its the time for you to show up...
Psst... For those who are interested in buying 4D's or TOTO's,the number plates for the snatcher's bike and the police car are
7561 and
4561This is no coincidence my dear friend,BUY! before its too late... =)